What is one thing in your life you would like to change?

The change you seek unfolds within your own mind. Experience the freedom you deserve.

Transform your reality.

One decision at a time

hypnotherapy hypnosis. helping people let go of fears, phobias or limiting self beliefs. creating change through hypnotherapy in Brisbane and via zoom.

Is hypnosis effective?
Yes. It offers an opportunity for you to experience deep unconscious change or shifts that haven’t proven successful through conscious work.

What is hypnosis?
You entering a state, often but not limited to profound relaxation, where you’re open to suggestion to implement and integrate change.

What can you expect?
To benefit from your first session. Further sessions may also be offered.

What’s a no obligation chat?
I invite you to share your situation, what you want, how you want to feel and what you want to change. We get a sense of each other and I can gauge if and how hypnosis may be helpful.

Is it safe?
Yes. A safe, easy and gentle process.

Is it for everyone?
No. Seeking medical advice about hypnotherapy in relation to your psychiatric treatment or current medication may be required.

What do you need to do?

hypnotherapy requires your willingness. Are you ready to change with hypnosis


Have a willingness to look at the issue most pressing for you. Your willingness for positive change is integral to the effectiveness and long lasting benefits of your session.

hypnosis is a collaborative effort. hypnotherapy is work between the client's use of their imagination and the skillful guidance of the hypnotist or hypnotherapist.


There is nothing for you to do. Really. Except listen to my voice and be guided by my instructions to allow your conscious mind to wander elsewhere while you get creative and use your imagination.

Relaxation is a powerful tool in hypnosis and hypnotherapy enabling the client to be more open to positive suggestion for change.


When you feel safe and comfortable, the journey to a deeper state where you’re open to positive suggestion becomes even more profound, resulting in a more impactful hypnosis session.

hypnotherapy clients can expect to benefit from the first session. Further sessions may be required to deepen the hypnosis experience.


You can expect to benefit from your first session. Further sessions or a group of sessions may also be offered depending on your goals and what you’d like to achieve. Your unconscious mind is a powerful resource - you can expect positive change.


“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t - you’re right”

- Henry Ford

Esther Kelly. Hypnotist and hypnotherapist in Brisbane, consulting globally via zoom.

Esther Kelly

What hypnosis actually is and how it works is highly controversial. What is not controversial however, is that it works.

Some of the top writers and influential figures in the field of hypnosis from Erickson, Elman, Braid to Mesmer, offer us a plethora of scientific studies and therapeutic applications that delve into the human mind, the role of the unconscious, and the nuanced interactions between client and therapist.

Across cultures worldwide, there are various rituals and modes of healing that closely tie the mind to the physical body. In our current Western medical system, the mind-body connection is increasingly acknowledged, supported by substantial evidence that our thoughts significantly shape our reality (a specific example of this medical evidence is the use of hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Our conditioning and both early and adult experiences shape our beliefs, perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. Consequently our thoughts can either liberate us from self and/or externally-imposed limitations or keep us bound by unnecessary constraints. Hypnotherapy harnesses the power of the mind to facilitate growth, healing, and evolution, helping us unlock our full potential.


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